Cybersecurity involves preventing, detecting, and responding to cyberattacks.

Crime has evolved with the times, cybersecurity is not something we had to think about when I was young. I think a crime has become easier now that criminals can hide behind a remote computer. I’m sure purse snatching and pickpocketing still goes on, but it’s old school crime compared to today’s technology.

Cyberattacks are malicious attempts to access or damage a computer or network system. Leading to loss of money, personal, financial, and medical information. Because criminals suck! As a result, we need to take action. So, what can we do to reduce the risk?


The following are things you can do to protect yourself.

  • Keep in mind that scammers may try to take advantage of financial fears by calling with work-from-opportunities, debt consolidation offers, and student loan repayment plans.
  • Be cautious about sharing personal financial information, such as your bank account number, social security number, or credit card number.
  • Do not click on links in texts or emails from people you don’t know. Scammers can create fake links to websites.
  • Limit the personal information you share online.
  • Update your privacy settings and do not use location features.
  • Watch for suspicious activity that asks you to do something right away. An offer that sounds too good to be true probably is. For example, if they ask for your personal information. Think before you click, and when in doubt, do NOT click. Do not provide personal information.
  • Use a secure Internet connection and Wi-Fi network.
  • Keep software applications and operating systems up to date.
  • Check your account statements and credit reports regularly.
  • Personally, I charge for everything. at least with credit cards you can dispute the charges and have at least some protection.
  • Use antivirus solutions, malware, and firewalls to block threats.
  • Check your credit statement for unrecognizable charges.
  • Check your credit reports for open accounts and/or loans you did not open.
  • In conclusion, we need to play some defense.