About us: The mission

1. To share some life experiences. Have some fun fishing and share what I have learned about fishing.
2. Life is about many things, I will try to share content that helps people. 
3. Avoid chaos in life by using tools and knowledge to prepare for undesirable changes in our lives, environment, and community.

Preppers are strong independent life warriors marked by a streak of kindness and will to do good in the world. By themselves, they can move mountains. In groups, they can move the world. They believe in all the virtues of goodness and right, but they do not stop themselves for the sake of doing things by the book if it keeps them from doing the right thing.

Preppers are advocates for freedom and the welfare of their families. They take care of themselves before helping others because they recognize you can do more to help others from a position of strength rather than weakness. Laws, social structures, or other such hierarchies that restrict their ability to do good in this world are unacceptable and to be done away with if they have the opportunity to change these restrictions.

Preppers do not recklessly act for the sake of good if laws and social structures risk their safety and the safety of others. They abide by rules to the extent to protect themselves, but Preppers will not follow these rules if it infringes on the rights of themselves and their families outlined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We are passionate about helping people find the necessary information and tools to navigate life’s challenges using this online platform. We believe that prepping is much more than being ready for the next disaster. Preparing for disasters is just as important as prepping for your drive to the store. Preparedness is a way of life that is embedded in our habits. It allows us to move through the rough times easier so we can enjoy life. 

Be safe out there,

Grandpa Dave