When it comes to choosing the right survival gear, size, weight, and functionality is a priority. Most of the things you need for survival are already available in a bug-in situation. But when it comes to a bug-out scenario, planning and preparedness become crucial. If you need to bug out, chances are time may be a factor. You are not moving all of your belongings. The size of your vehicle will most likely limit the amount of gear you can take with you. This is where the right gear becomes important.

Having a Destination

When we think of bugging out, the first thing that comes into play is a destination. Having the perfect getaway is awesome. You may have a remote place already stocked with all the essentials. Unfortunately, this is not possible for the majority of the population. At the very least, you should have a planned destination, so you can meet up with family or friends to ride out the situation. Having a plan can mean that different group members can bring pre-determined essentials to the bug-out location.

Multi-functional tools are useful, but you will not build a fortress with a swiss army knife. So, in your bug-out plan, make sure to have a list of what you will need to achieve your goals. Once a plan is in place, you can determine what tools to bring. If you can determine multi-functional tools, then you can eliminate unnecessary items.

The Right Survival Gear for Camping

If you have never been camping, you should go just for the experience. Maybe you have watched a survival show on TV and think it’s easy. For some people, it may be fun, and it can be. Having the right survival gear makes all the difference. Planning a successful camping trip also makes a huge difference. Having camping gear ready to deploy at a moment’s notice is peace of mind. Knowing how to use your survival gear is priceless.

I highly recommend planning a camping trip. Get some gear and have fun with it. Part of planning for a bug-out scenario is having confidence in your plan. Survival gear that will come in useful:

Shelter Gear

  • Tents come in various sizes and shapes. Tents for backpacking are popular for their size and weight. Some are insulated and serve a variety of purposes.  They also make tents for using a wood-burning stove inside, such as yurts, large canvas, and glamping tents.
  • Portable indoor safe propane heaters, such as Mr. heater buddy, are great for ice fishing, camping, or just having on hand during a power outage. Propane is a multi-functional item used in many applications, such as heaters, stoves, grills, and propane torches.
  • Sleeping bags also come in a wide variety of choices. You can get a small sleeping about the size of a soda can (for emergency use). Or an insulated bag about the size of a 5-gallon bucket. 
  • Air mattresses are a luxury item in camping. But can make a difference in a long-term camping experience. They are about the size of a blanket and come in twin, double, or queen sizes.  
  • While not a necessity, Pillows and blankets are items that you can’t avoid having, especially if you have a family. They are big and bulky full of fluff and comfort. 
  • Tarps, ropes, gorilla tape, and ground stakes are on the list because of rain, snow, and wind. I can’t remember a camping trip that didn’t involve mother nature. These are also multi-functional items, and they can be used for a windbreak, a shelter from the rain while cooking, shade on sunny days, or rainwater collection.

Food Gear

  • Camping stoves are nice to have and come in a variety of sizes, but not necessary. You could cook on an open fire or coals.
  • Pots, pans, and utensils are a must-have. They have some nice kits available—lightweight and neatly packed with all the necessary items.
  • A portable water filtration system is a must-have item as well. Carrying water is unavoidable without one. Boiling water is okay in a desperate situation but does not remove all contaminates.
  • Refrigeration is the biggest challenge in a bug-out situation. Unless you have pre-planned a location with power and refrigeration, you should plan on eating dry food items, such as freeze-dried or MRE’s. Canned food is also an option, but like water, it’s going to be heavy. But just for the sake of camping for fun and practice, having a cooler with some comfort food and beer is acceptable.

Other Survival Gear may Include

  • Axes, Saws, Knives or Machetes’
  • Shovel, spud, digging tools 
  • Firestarter
  • Propane
  • Matches, lighters
  • Solar panels, Generators, USB charging, and batteries
  • Flashlights, Lanterns, Candles, or solar lighting
  • Hiking backpacks, Tactical backpacks, or a dolly to haul heavy items
  • Radio’s, HAM radio or someway of communication
  • First aid kit, preferably an advanced kit
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Hygiene items, such as soap, toothbrush, deodorant, toilet paper, etc.